Walt Disney Animation Studios has released the first teaser trailer for its upcoming computer-animated musical fantasy Encanto, the story of the extraordinary Madrigal family, who live in a magical house in the Colombian mountain town of Encanto. Mirabel, the family’s only ordinary child, discovers that the magic surrounding her town is under threat, and she may be the only one able to save it. The cast includes Stephanie Beatriz as Mirabel, the 15-year-old who’s struggling to find her place in her family, along with María Cecilia Botero, Wilmer Valderrama, Adassa, Diane Guerrero, Mauro Castillo, Angie Cepeda, Jessica Darrow, Rhenzy Feliz, and Carolina Gaitan.
The creative team includes Byron Howard (direction), Jared Bush and Charise Castro Smith (direction, screenplay), Lin-Manuel Miranda (songs), Ian Gooding (production design), Mehrdad Isvandi (art direction), Alberto Abril (animation supervisor), and Clark Spencer (producer). The film premieres November 24.